2019 Incident #28: 10th September 19:45 – Easedale Tarn

Team received a request from Langdale Ambleside Mountain Rescue Team (LAMRT) . They had two call outs at the same time and could we pick up the second. Two females had reported themselves benighted close to Easdale tarn. They had used the What3Words app which, once converted to a grid reference by our Sarcall software, gave us a location. A member of Langdale team who had joined in the search managed to locate them and confirm that they were fit and well. Once we were on site we all guided them back to Grasmere. We would also like to thank Lakes Search dogs who were prepared to assist if needed and also Kirby Stephen MRT who provide additional manpower should a more extensive search be required or if a stretcher carry was required. The What3Words app is being used increasingly by persons finding themselves lost or in need of assistance. We would like to remind people that it is a location finder and not a means of navigation. As the nights draw in it is a timely reminder that adequate navigational tools (map/compass), torches, extra food and drink and any additional layers of inner/outer clothing are items to consider putting in your rucksack. Finally, please watch your step as common toads are on the move enjoying the wet conditions.

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